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HUAWEI Pura 70 Ultra: il cameraphone è di nuovo tra noi con un ma! Recensione 
HUAWEI continua a marciare sul mondo mobile cercando di fare un po’ tutto in casa propria dopo il ban USA e la perdita dei servizi di Google e altro. Il risultato più importante è senza dubbio questo HUAWEI Pura 70 Ultra, un camera phone dalle prestazioni incredibili che rimette in gioco l’azienda grazie anche ai servizi di Google più facilmente installabili.   
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Edge 50 Ultra: Motorola convince anche con il suo top di gamma! La recensione
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FlexiSpot E7B-PRO: una scrivania motorizzata per migliorare la postura
FlexiSpot E7B-PRO: una scrivania motorizzata per migliorare la postura
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Old 04-12-2016, 16:17   #221
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Iscritto dal: Dec 2014
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difficilissimo, però le dinamiche del combat sono molto intriganti..

non riesco a capire se devo muovere il mouse per fare i colpi oppure tenere premuto...
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Old 04-12-2016, 16:41   #222
Jon Irenicus
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Se tieni premuto continua a colpire alternando dritto e rovescio. Con single player e arena completa occorre avere un'abilità per concatenare dritto e rovescio (forse per fare proprio il rovescio), in practice dovrebbe esserci già.
Per fare il rovescio come primo colpo devi portare il puntatore a sinistra ma senza che il personaggio ruoti, che si sposti la spada solo. Doppio click, col secondo click trattenuto, per fendente e alt per affondo.
Se si rilascia troppo presto si annulla il colpo.
Parate automatiche quando non si colpisce se in direzione giusta.

Dopodiché si può pensare ad accompagnare i colpi col movimento di gambe e mouse per colpire duro, io non sono bravo in questo.
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Old 04-12-2016, 18:13   #223
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Originariamente inviato da Jon Irenicus Guarda i messaggi
Se tieni premuto continua a colpire alternando dritto e rovescio. Con single player e arena completa occorre avere un'abilità per concatenare dritto e rovescio (forse per fare proprio il rovescio), in practice dovrebbe esserci già.
Per fare il rovescio come primo colpo devi portare il puntatore a sinistra ma senza che il personaggio ruoti, che si sposti la spada solo. Doppio click, col secondo click trattenuto, per fendente e alt per affondo.
Se si rilascia troppo presto si annulla il colpo.
Parate automatiche quando non si colpisce se in direzione giusta.

Dopodiché si può pensare ad accompagnare i colpi col movimento di gambe e mouse per colpire duro, io non sono bravo in questo.
Più che altro mi fa incazzare la telecamera, c'è in modo per fissarla dietro al pg??
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Old 04-12-2016, 18:30   #224
Jon Irenicus
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No, solo premendo la barra spaziatrice la si orienta al volo. Secondo i dev occorrerebbe imparare a giocare senza orientarsela di continuo, cosa che io faccio comunque.

EDIT: invece si, tenendo premuta la barra sta costantemente dietro oppure su %AppData%\Roaming\Exanima c'è Exanima.ini e se si imposta il valore a "CamFollow = 1" (a default è 0) dovrebbe fare al caso, però il gioco non è inteso per questo.

Ultima modifica di Jon Irenicus : 04-12-2016 alle 18:41.
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Old 28-01-2017, 19:18   #225
Jon Irenicus
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In the past months we've been trying to break free of the endless cycle of improving core features and instead focus on adding what's needed to finish the game. This includes quite a few things, but the really crucial ones are terrain, dialogue and thaumaturgy. Those are what we need to continue and complete the story.

Adding terrain was a late decision. We had an incomplete terrain system, and we thought to get it to a state where we could use it for some outdoor arenas. Since then everything's been hugely improved and optimised to support larger and more complex maps, many more dynamic lights and objects, more detailed and realistic graphics and physics, and many other features and improvements.

Our terrain wasn't just incomplete, it was fundamentally outdated, it could never support all the things we've come to rely on. We could have maybe worked around these limitations, but it would have been a waste of time. We had to completely redesign and redevelop it.

Knowing we had to go back to the drawing board, making an improved and complete terrain system that could also support all these advances, we thought we should take it a step further. Rather than build our engine around two types of environments, we could try to adapt everything to work in the same way, make a unified system that could seamlessly integrate terrain and modular environments.

It would take a lot of work, not only to develop the terrain system, but also to abandon the comfortable constrains of highly segmented and flat environments. The payoff was clearly huge though, it opened up many exciting possibilities for future level design and visual variety.

After much head scratching, prototyping, developing and refining we finally succeeded. We have a fully functional integrated terrain system with all the bells and whistles. We have our first outdoor arenas, we're preparing to release new story content with it and we will also be adding it to existing content.


Version features the new terrain system in the form of arena matches that take place outdoors, with variable time of day and weather conditions. Many new items have been added, some important new features and a host of critical or required changes.

There's more content and additions that are very nearly ready, but this much has made it through testing and seems stable enough for you to get your hands on it. We'll be releasing some more updates shortly.

While we've tried to avoid spending time on improving things, a few improvements snuck their way in as we worked. There's some notable upgrades to combat physics and animation, and in adapting things to bright sunlit settings we've made some nice enhancements to lighting.

Changelog for
Terrain based outdoor arenas

Time of day and weather system

Many new items, including:
New shields, including kite shields
Many new footwear items

Complete in game manual

Improved combat, animation and physics

Local reflections

Lighting improvements

New arena music

Improved interactivity for many common objects

Improvements to pugilism impact mechanics

Alternative characters require unlocking (one unlockable now)

Introduced inventory and container space mechanics

New portable containers

Smart randomisation of match locations and music

Added shopkeeper to arena

Added encumbrance gauge to management screen

Added restart prompt to practice arena after death

Improved in game menus

Many sound improvements

Various updated graphical assets

Functional and visual tweaks to equipment

Numerous other improvements and fixes


Bare Mettle
Update ottimo per il futuro.
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Old 07-03-2018, 14:22   #226
Jon Irenicus
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Bene, dopo un po' di tempo i dev hanno deciso che forse si, possono degnarsi di dire qualcosa anche sui forum steam e non solo su discord.
A quanto dicono hanno lavorato molto sull'IA di un NPC ed è stata la sfida maggiore.
Oltre ad un nuovo livello visivamente più elaborato, un altro se non ho capito male già pronto e un miglioramento di quelli già esistenti.
Per il resto dicono che hanno quasi tutti gli asset e hanno migliorato di molto i tool di sviluppo, che dovrebbe consentire un progresso migliore e più rapido.
L'update dovrebbe essere molto vicino.
Qui quanto hanno scritto:

Ultima modifica di Jon Irenicus : 07-03-2018 alle 14:28.
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Old 11-07-2018, 12:33   #227
Jon Irenicus
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Dopo circa un anno e mezzo finalmente esce l'update:

Devo ancora leggere bene, ma se è vero quanto hanno detto in sti mesi questo era l'update tecnicamente più difficile da fare (principalmente per il compagno e per l'AI) e che dovrebbe proseguire il tutto più velocemente (e lo spero bene visto quanta carne si sono presi i dev per sta lentezza).
Mannaggia, non so se riesco a provarla prima di venerdì.

Exanima 0.7.0


Two new levels have been added to the game, featuring all new content, and also music. With these maps we've pushed for a new level of quality, detail and variety, taking advantage of new engine features and development tools. The first 3 levels of the game have also undergone extensive changes and improvements, an updated tileset and a lot of all new exclusive items.

Over 130 new items have been added across the game, including new item types like bevors and hats. We've also remastered or replaced many assets to better fit the game's current level of quality and aesthetics.


In this update you can meet your first potential long term ally. This provides a whole new dynamic and a fresh way to experience the game.

This was an important first step for the NPC interactions to come. With Exanima's inherent complexity, creating a competent companion was not simple. He is an asset to any player, and we will continue to make companions smarter and more self-sufficient until they feel almost like equals. We will expand on possible interactions, and importantly dialogue, which we can also use to better expose the story and lore.

Your companion will gain experience and learn new skills, much as you do. They will also learn to fight better, become more confident and undergo some other changes in their character.


Dialogue makes a first appearance in this update. We are still only using dialogue in a basic capacity, but it will soon become a much more prominent and important feature in the game.

Our goal with dialogue is something fully real-time and interactive. It is not a separate mode of interaction, but a part of it. You can talk while performing any action. Dialogue can have practical applications, you can point at something or someone, even while walking, and say something relevant. Tactical applications during combat can also be part of the same dialogue system. People can randomly witness the conversations of others, and perhaps join in, or simply learn something. There are countless applications, it is an implicit part of the world and how you interact with it.


You may have noticed that Exanima's world has been suspiciously flat. Our characters have not been good at moving or keeping their balance otherwise, and when characters lost balance they'd flop like a sack of potatoes.

This is no longer the case. The "balancer" is what has allowed characters make dynamic movements in combat and stay upright. This was overhauled to deal with more difficult ground, such as stairs or rocky slopes, and it is now active all the time, not just in combat. This new balancer does more than just upright movement, it functions even when tumbling or cartwheeling through the air, allowing characters to control more motions and regain their footing dynamically. Characters can now trip, slip, jump off ledges and generally deal with loss of balance without just falling over and resetting. Character can also recover quicker depending on the severity of the fall.

With this come various improvements to movement both in and out combat. In combat movement is now faster and also more responsive, allowing characters to quickly move in new directions without having to shuffle their feet as much.


Since we began our journey to make a game, our most ambitious goals have been with AI. What we're trying to do, as much as possible, is that if you imagine an approach to a situation, or a way you can modify or prevent an outctome, you probably can. For example, say you were promised a reward, but rather than complete the task, you decide to find out where the reward is stored and steal it. Something like this would not normally be possible, and so called "AI" is notoriously bad if you veer off the scripted path.

There is much more we want in terms of dynamic interactions with AI, but we've been focused on core gameplay features, and have neglected huge aspects of the game, for too long. In order to complete Exanima's story and content, we had to introduce major new features, like intelligent friendly NPCs, dialogue and mind thaumaturgy. If we tried to build these features without the proper foundations we'd ultimately get nowhere. We've now taken the time (perhaps too long!) to completely rebuild every aspect of our AI.


We want all our AI encounters to appear like living, thinking beings, not mindless drones that blindly perform a specific task. They are driven by emotions and other states of mind, they have varying personalities, they remember interactions with others and form relationships, they have social and non selfish behaviours.

You might startle someone unexpectedly and cause them to become scared or agitated, but they may calm and reassess the situation. They might defend themselves, but not wish to harm their attacker and behave accordingly. They can understand a stranger fighting in their defence, and may be grateful. They might act to defend someone they care about. They can even, potentially, form social groups among themselves. These are some simple examples of things that are not predefined game mechanics, but that occur organically as part of the simulation. Players and NPCs are treated in the same exact way, based on observable behaviour alone. There is no cheating, no making decisions based on things they shouldn't know.

This is basically our artificial brain, emotions, memory, decision making, impulsive behaviour. But what of more structured and complex tasks? If we were to now simply override it with strictly scripted behaviours, it would become irrelevant.


As soon as you tell NPCs to behave in a certain way and also give the player freedom to act as they please, things can start to go very wrong. It is a very difficult problem, and the less restrictions you place on the player, and the mechanics of the game world, the more difficult it becomes. Player and mechanical freedom are at the core of our design philosophy, we have spent years devising a solution to these problems, a solution we call the "role system".

"Roles" are basically collections of traits and behaviours. They can be specific and character defining, such as "King of Ardent" or very situational such as "person crossing bridge", they can also be relational, such as "friend" or "customer". They can be real or assumed, they can influence personalities, spread information, reputations and conflicts, and model various real world behavioural effects. Single characters have many roles assigned at once, they come and go, change and evolve.

There is a lot of complexity behind how roles function and interact, but the core concept is that we can keep building our library of roles, to expand on how characters can behave, adapt to situations, perceive and relate to eachother, and use the same tools and systems to also define more specific behaviours, without locking characters into situationally inappropriate ones.

This will be a long journey, but is essentially now a matter of content. Already now the role system is modelling all our behaviour, and we have the means and tools to keep building more.


Still falling under the AI umbrella, we felt it was time to address other things too. Combat AI as been completely rebuilt, it is more varied and much more tactical, allowing the most skilled AI to keep experienced players on their toes and not just fall into simple but effective patterns. It can be proficient with different fighting styles and weapons, and it is much more careful about accidentally hitting allies. Pathfinding has also been updated to negotiate more complex environments, avoid moving objects and more.

These are all complex systems, and all fresh from the production line. It will no doubt take us some time to iron out the kinks and especially to actually take advantage of new features. But we now have a true solid foundation, and an array of tools at our disposal to create better and more interesting AI.

Changelog for 0.7.0:

Large new late game area, the Crossroads

New optional area, the Catacombs

Over 130 new items

Reworked and improved first 3 levels of the game

First companion NPC introduced

Dialogue system

Completely rebuilt AI systems*

All new combat AI

More intelligent and tactical behaviour

Improved timing and footwork

Better proficiency with different weapons

More fluid and human-like AI inputs

More pronounced difference between AI skill levels

AI can smartly avoid friendly fire

New dynamic balancer*

Greatly improved movement on uneven ground

Increased speed and fluidity of combat movement

More accurate and responsive cursor control

Improved general animation fluidity

Improved thrust mechanics and animation

Improved feint mechanics

Improved armour damage mitigation mechanics

Added a stagger effects for blocking with a shield on low stamina

It is no longer possible to defend with depleted stamina

Improved walking and running control and animations

Improved hit reactions and death animations

Many specific animation improvements for all character types

Extensive additions to environment features and variety

More detailed and varied ground surfaces

Improved rendering quality, effects and post-processing

Improved texture asset production quality

Improved shading and global illumination

Better wear effects on armour featuring dents and more

Visual improvements to item icons

Full UI support for 1440p (4k is on the way)

Cursors that scale with resolution (customisations coming)

Improved combat experience gain mechanics

Improved lore related experience gains

Perfomance improvements

Improved loading times

Fixed weapons sometimes not sliding free colliding with environment

Fixed characters simply giving up when suspended over a high drop

Fixed issues caused by alt-tabbing during loading screens

Fixed vsync not working correctly on some systems

Fixed not being able to switch weapons while under attack

Fixed Sprint to Dash input option not working correctly

When an arena fighter ranks up, the previously highest loadout is copied

Increased weapon variety of arena master level fighters

Introduced RNG balancing for arena opponent generation

Improved random NPC generation and fashion sense

Short spears can now be used one handed

Various changes to the practice arena opponents

Many more fixes and small improvements


We're going to be rapidly adding to what these new features bring to the game, but we didn't want to keep you waiting any longer. We've got a lot more lined for upcoming updates too.


Bare Mettle
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Old 16-07-2018, 15:26   #228
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Spero alla fine di non aver buttato i miei soldi nel fare da backer (cosa che francamente stavo pensando fino a qualche mese fa non notando grossi miglioramenti)
ASUS Gaming Laptop GL703GS (i7-8750H, 32GB DDR4@2666MHz, GTX 1070 8GB GDDR5), Windows 11 Pro x64, 17" res: 1080p 144Hz con G-Sync. LG V30. Amiga forever!
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Old 13-06-2019, 09:56   #229
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Ho visto che è in offerta su steam, commenti su questo gioco?
Ho letto che è molto particolare ma mi sembra ancora parecchio indietro nonostante siano passati già parecchi anni.
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Old 17-10-2023, 17:14   #230
Jon Irenicus
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Arrivata alla 0.9!
Dai che prima del 2030 esce.

Il grosso dovrebbero averlo fatto, mancano però le armi da tiro/lancio e non par poca roba come bilanciamento.

Magari un'altra run provo a farla prima o poi, magari col mod che ripristina la salute, se va ancora, o la perdo io nel mondo reale.
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