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Old 05-11-2003, 15:04   #1010
Senior Member
Iscritto dal: May 2003
Cittā: fine del mondo
Messaggi: 367
Ragazzi...voi l'avete provata la mod per max 2 "RexxieModv3? io lo sto' scaricandi proprio adesso sono solo 9 mb(56kb) e lo sto scaricandi dal forum della remedy (mod max payne 2) link postato qualche messaggio addietro.... ed intoduce le seguenti novita'

Camera / Bullet-Time
- Unlimited bullet-time.
- Slower bullet-time.
- Motion blur in bullet-time.
- Run speed in bullet-time adjusted to around 50% of normal.
- Enhanced bullet-time almost always on.
- Removed annoying reload spin.
- Nice camera effect with sniper kill shot
- Shootdodge can now be turned on/off even during dives.

Weapons / Combat
- Increased shotgun power.
- Increased ingram fire rate.
- Increased ingram clip size.
- Decreased ingram power.
- Decreased spread of pellets for shotguns slightly.
- Decreased spread of bullets for ingrams slightly.
- Renamed 9mm Pistol to 9mm Beretta.
- Melee replaced with kick. Can now kick havok objects, doors & enemies.
- Total ammo allowed for all weapons increased to 999.
- New sounds for:
:Beretta (& Dual)
:Colt Commando
: Desert Eagle (& Dual)
: Dragunov
:Ingram (& Dual)
:Bullet hits
:Grenade bounce

- Increased decal limits by around 30%.
- New blood decals.
- Better blood splatters.
- New bullet tracers.
- New muzzleflash effects.

- Almost all console cheats removed, except those used for testing.
- New command added to console. Find it for yourself :P
- Max will now heal from 1% health to full on his own (in around a minute).
- One painkiller now fully heals Max, 20% at first and 5% per second.
- Increased accuracy of enemies considerably.
- Pretty much disabled auto-aim, much more accuracy needed now.

- New menu backgrounds for: Mainmenu, Load/Save and Quit.
- Moved the menu across a little to see background images better.
- Removed pause text for screenshots.
- 60 seconds until menu video runs (120 default).

- Able to shoot through wood, people and cardboard with some weapons.
- Ragdoll tweaks to (hopefully) increase realism.
- Added "Chateau Reloaded" level (under Dead Man Walking).

Forse questa sera lo provo e vi faro sapere....C'e' qualcuno di voi che la provato e se vale la penda di scaricarlo?
It's no secret that a conscience can sometimes be a pest
It's no secret ambition bites the nails of success.
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